Jan 5, 2017

Evening Primrose Oil Benefits

Evening primrose oil is a natural and safe product that is designed for men and women offers a wide range of health benefits. Women are more likely to take this product, which comes in the form of capsules. Evening primrose oil is rich in fatty acids. Advantage of this natural and safe product, which can help those who suffer from migraine. Some people are prone to severe headaches that they can leave in bed and out of action for days at a time. Some people tend to experience these headaches regularly. A healthy balanced diet with evening primrose oil regularly combat against migraine. In addition, you will find that evening primrose oil is very effective for those who suffer from menstrual problems. Some women tend to suffer more than others when they reach their menstrual cycle. Some experience pain unbearable, while others continue as if nothing was wrong. For those who suffer from pain, the pain can be so severe that they have difficulty coping with daily activities, but this oil is able to help alleviate these symptoms. It has been found that evening primrose oil is very effective for relieving joint pain, especially pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis is a degenerative disease that affects the joints. The oil can help the mobility of the joints relieve by this disease causing stiffness and pain. Evening primrose oil is also effective in preventing nerve damage which is often a side effect of diabetes. This oil works behind the scenes to reduce the risk of nerve damage. The product is also known to help with skin diseases such as eczema. Eczema can be a very frustrating condition that leaves patients itching and dry spots on the skin. This is not only unattractive for the eye, but also extremely unpleasant. Evening primrose oil normally taken orally can reduce the condition and help alleviate itching, helping the skin to heal normally. it is very effective in fighting acne. Acne is another type of skin disorder, which usually affects teenagers and young adults. Those affected can be ashamed and can have a negative impact on self-esteem and consciousness. Evening primrose oil is often used by women with infertility. Taken immediately after the menstruation ovulation can be improved by the oil causing cervical mucus, making it hospitable to sperm and increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Dec 30, 2016

Controlling Diabetes with Diet and exercise

Diet simply means eating a well thought out plan. Creating an appropriate diet plan to eat will help you better understand how different foods affect levels of blood sugar in the blood, which will help you decide about food to eliminate, and what to include. Refreshments were shown to show refined grains increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and also increasing inflammation in the body. You need the plan that will work for you. You may need to follow a diet with little fat, high in carbohydrates, while another need a diet with little carbohydrates, high vegetables, etc. Even if you are confused about what they eat and what to avoid, you need to be ready with several to recommend, experiment to see to increase their level of sugar in the blood and food help normalize. To find out what the best foods are to control glucose, you should monitor their sugar levels in the blood for a period of two to three weeks. Measure your blood glucose level first in the morning, after breakfast, after meals and snacks and also before sleeping. Also measure sugar levels before and after physical activity. Once you have an understanding of how their sugar levels in the blood have affected, then it will be in a better position to create a diet plan that works for you and helps your body to cure naturally.
Controlling Diabetes with Exercise The best thing you can do against diabetes is exercise. It is also the cheapest when considering how much for diabetes to spend on drugs, insulin injections, etc. Effective exercise can be as easy as walking or jogging, swimming, dancing, cycling, light weight lifting etc moderate movement consistently Leads to modest weight loss was demonstrated resistance to prevent insulin that can lead to 2 diabetes to pre-diabetes and type who also have diabetes regular exercise because exercise can help in the blood glucose control, not only but can also help, Severe complications of diabetes.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance is one of the main problems in the development of type 2 diabetes and the results of the body do not recognize the insulin that is produced by the body that consists of blood glucose and cannot be removed and transferred to the blood cells where it is for energy hungry cells Is needed, ends in the body. Insulin sensitivity with the help of the exercise By improving the glucose from the blood removed by insulin and cells and more efficiently by cells without problems to help control the blood glucose level.
Exercise is also the best way to control weight. Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions, and the main culprit is obesity because it is found that at least 80 percent of patients with type 2 diabetes and those with pre-diabetes were found to be obese. It is believed that obesity can lead to insulin resistance, the risk of developing pre-diabetes and type II diabetes. It is also important to monitor sugar levels in the blood before and after the exercise. If you have type I diabetes, you need to make sure that too is not practiced to the point of hypoglycemia, which is a state sugar in the blood. Low blood sugar can cause fatigue, dizziness, sweating, headaches, tremors, and if it is severe, can lose consciousness and fall into a coma. Before starting exercising one should consult with the doctor to avoid issues that exercise may cause.

Dec 29, 2016

Dec 27, 2016

Oct 20, 2016

How much detrimental is Smoking to health

How dangerous the tobacco is

 On May 31 the world observes the world no tobacco day. World Health Organization WHO has told this that 6 million people died in 2011 due to uses of tobacco . This figure will increase up to 8 million by the year of 2030. World second cause of death is tobacco uses. Tobacco is responsible for killing one in every ten adult people globally. From 1987 the world is observing the world no tobacco day to send the message to the world population that how dangerous the tobacco is. Some fatal diseases caused by tobacco uses Heart diseases especially coronary heart diseases are caused by excessive smoking. Tobacco may cause cancer in lungs, throat, mouth, lips, tongue and intestinal areas. Tobacco toxins can cause heart attack and brain hemorrhage. 25 fatal diseases are caused by 4,000 tobacco chemicals including nicotine. Buerger's disease is another fatal disease caused by smoking. In many cases smoker’s kidneys can’t discharge the wastes of tobacco and those wastes are stored in the distant parts of the body like legs. It causes inflammation and reduces blood circulation in those areas. Continuing smoking in this situation may cause gangrene and ultimately it leads to death or losing legs. Besides these, smoking may cause miscarriage to a woman and giving birth to a baby with lesser weight, dull headed and handicapped. Smoking causes gastric, asthma, high blood pressure, and chronic bronchitis in both genders and other various complicacies in the human body. It acts like a slow poison in human body. Nicotine of tobacco which is considered a powerful poison reduces sexual ability both in men and women. Smoking causes imbalance of palpitation and nervousness. One cigarette reduces 6 minutes of life length. If 1mg. nicotine is taken in an injection form it can kill a person more instantaneously than cyanide. Smoking is highly risky for the patients of diabetes and high blood pressure. In one sentence, tobacco is injurious to top to bottom of a human body. Forms of using tobacco People use tobacco in various forms such as chewing, smoking and sniffing. Chewing tobacco contains 28 cancer causing ingredients such as nitrosamines, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, hydrazine, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, benzopyrene and polonium. People of Indian sub continent chew tobacco with betel paan. A good number of American people use chewable smokeless tobacco. Smoking is noticeable all over the world. Once, Indian sub continent people were used to use ‘Hookah’ for smoking. Cigarettes and Bidis have replaced those now. Smokers in the world Killing people by tobacco has now become an epidemic form which is quite preventable.
WHO has revealed the statistics that more than two thirds of the world smokers live in just ten countries.
 1. China 2. India 3. Indonesia 4. Russia 5. USA 6. Japan 7. Brazil 8. Germany 9. Bangladesh 10. Turkey
25 per cent of Chinese are smokers. It is one third of the world smokers. 60 per cent Russian people as well 30 per cent women are smokers. Unlike western countries smoking in India is on the rise. 30 per cent to 40 per cent of Balkans people are smokers. In England the percentage is 28. In the United States tobacco uses are lessening. President Obama has recently given up smoking. Passive smoking Second hand smoking is called passive smoking. Passive smoking is all the same like active smoking. Breathing smokers’ smoke is enough for health hazards suffer active smokers. Children are badly affected by this type of smoking. How to quit smoking My mathematics teacher couldn’t do any difficult sum without smoking first. He believed that smoking is the food for brain. Most smokers are not mathematicians. I’ve seen many people want to give up smoking but can’t do that in any way. Some people say that I’ll quit it tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. Some I’ve seen told it that he had given up smoking but in no times they were seen to smoke. So, it is hard quitting smoking. I’ve done it successfully in my life. I don’t believe in reducing numbers in quitting this bad habit. Just follow my example. One day I decided to quit smoking from that day till now that is working. My religion played a great role in this occurrence. Every religion teaches good things. Smoking is poisonous. It kills the smokers and his family as well as other people around him. Should I buy poison with my money (hard earned or gotten by chance)? Never, never and never. I’ve seen a man chewing chocolates almost all the time. I asked the reason; he replied, “it helped me quitting smoking.” So, it’s a good idea. Whenever you get thirsty for a cigarette you enter a chocolate ball into your mouth. Carry on this for some days. Hope, you’ll not come back. Be realistic in spending your money whether it is hard earned by you or given by your parents.
Buy this  evergreen Tee for all. Help grow awareness of non smoking. This shirt is designed by this author. 

Aug 29, 2016

May 9, 2015

Constipation Problem

Chronic constipation may drive you nuts

Sometimes constipation makes life hell. When you are not having your bowel movements regularly this is called constipation. One or two times daily are alright but one time in a week is marked as constipation. Not all people suffer from this hazardous symptom. Those who suffer know how painful and tension growing is this. There are many reasons behind this health hazard. One is obviously not taking foods containing enough fibers. Insufficient liquid such as water intake is another cause of this problem. So, generally including fiber rich food and enough water in daily diet will be helpful to drive away constipation. Some medications may cause constipation too. We take medicines for our various health problems. Whatever might be the cause, take it easy. Don’t be panicked or frustrated. This problem can be handled effectively with a proper balanced diet.


Constipation complications

When it happens, Stool gets hard long tailed and largely rounded with which normally can’t pass through the anal. It takes extra pressure from the colon. Sometimes it is really difficult to pass through the stool. It may cause anal fissure. Fresh blood is dropped from this fissure after hard bowel movement. When constipation gets chronic it becomes nightmare for some people. Another frustrating thing is happened for some people when they discharge prostate fluids due to constipation. Milky prostate fluid is responsible for making sperm in male’s body. Chronic constipation may cause hemorrhoids, piles, cancer in the colon, mental disorders, prolapse and many other difficulties.


What are the remedies

Well, there are so many remedies for this health problem. You may take chemical laxative medicines regularly but natural remedy is the best Medicare. Long time use of any pill or capsule type laxative is not good for health as they affect your kidneys and liver. First of all, avoid over processed foods such as foods which come in plastic bags, canned and food in container. Avoid foods that contain colors (Do we need to consume colors in food?), dyes, preservatives, fats, artificial flavors and chemicals. Avoid all type of fried foods. Eat vegetables and fruits everyday. Eating apples, guava, bananas and grapes everyday is nice. Drink 10 glasses of water per day. Take exercise everyday at least walk 20 minutes everyday. Exercises keep blood circulations constant which makes internal organs healthy and active.
Take foods which act as natural laxatives. Olive oil acts as a natural laxative. 1 tablespoon olive oil is enough for a day. Natural laxatives are many but taking them on regular basis is hazardous. One easy and extremely effective laxative is psyllium husks. It is also called ispaghula or isabgol. This is soluble in water but indigestible in human body. Be sure you drink enough water with this husk. It soaks water up, so don’t take it without mixing with water. My recommendation is, take a glass of milk, give three teaspoonful of psyllium husk and one teaspoon of honey into it, after well mixing drink it up. Be habituated with this two times daily- after breakfast and after supper. It will bring wonderful result for you. After breakfast you may have it with only water. This will help you with regular bowel movements and loose stool. This is guaranteed by this garbage writer.
Medical studies show it that psyllium is helpful in controlling constipation, diarrhea, high cholesterol, colon cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and so on.

Feb 19, 2010

Lose weight permanently

It needs time and efforts to lose weight permanently. You should have a promise as well as a lifestyle for lifelong. You should be sure that you want a change permanently. Nobody will lessen your weight. This is you who will do this for own interest. You have to obey some health rules and start some exercises. You should have to change some of your habits. You should keep it in your mind that any hazards will not affect your new lifestyle.

You should take the responsibility of your own matter. But you are not alone in your society. You should be encouraged by your nearest ones. Select a person who will value your thoughts and listen to you. He/she will accompany you in your time of exercise. He/she will appreciate your healthy lifestyle.

When you are preparing your new food habit and exercise routine then you should be realistic enough. To lose .5 kg weight in a week you should lessen calorie 500 to 1000 daily in diet plan and that will be possible taking low calorie food as well taking exercise at least 5 days a weak. Add enough vegetables, fruits and food containing fiber to your menu.

Mind it that only low calorie food cannot reduce your weight but you should be active all the time. If you walk 40 to 60 minutes 4 days a week you will lose doubly. Taking exercise to lose weight is to burn your calorie. Burning calories depends on your quantity of burnt calorie and how much time long you are taking exercises.

The easiest way to be a success in your efforts is- avoid lift, use staircase, avoid your car to go to nearby local markets and offices. Simply go on foot.

Sep 11, 2009

How to be fit

Being mentally fit is necessary to be healthy. Sages say one can’t be happy without having good mental health. Doctors also say that. Think yourself, if you feel mentally uneasy what do you feel about everything? Nothing attracts you. Psychiatrists say it depends on mind to be happy or unhappy. They have taught many ways how to be mentally healthy. But one should not think that without keeping body fit can go mere keeping mind fit. Both are related one another.

Increase friends
Many do not like friends. But friendship is very important for a man. To keeping mental good health it is needed to have some friends. This is not for sharing own opinion with others but to justify own opinions it is necessary to have a certain amount of friends. Those who live alone do not know other’s opinion to share. As a result, one becomes stubborn and autocratic minded.

If you have friends you can broaden your friend circle by them. In this way you can be acquainted with thousands others. Thinking power of you increases. You can understand how to live with people in harmony. You become a true social element. You learn to give importance to other people’s opinion, justify and find out own faults- thus you build up yourself as an ideal person.
Enjoy your loneliness

Friends are part and parcel of your life but when you face a problem you must think at first alone. You must have friends but not you should let them acquire all your time. Keep some time special for your own. Think anything you like to think at that time. You can do this when you are on the way to somewhere.

Or you can have meditation. Close the door. Keep out anything for a while which can disturb you. Close your eyes. Think a child face, a blooming flower or an isolated place by the side of a lake, river or a hill. Take breath full and discharge slowly.

Keep yourself fit

It doesn’t mean that be an athlete. Just keep your fitness to live well and to be healthy. For this you don’t need to run and jog all day. Least walking and movements are enough. Give up idleness. Avoid lift in nearest floors.
Stay in joy

Problems and hazards must come. Take it easy is first step to solve it. Take the little hazards as part of your life. Try to be cheerful. May be you are very busy, watching TV or going to theatre will not harm your work. Rather it will increase your attentiveness in work. Any work that refresh you try to do that repeatedly.

Aim your goal

What is the meaning of your life? Just think it. If you are aimless this is not life. So, list your next work schedules. Try to fulfill little aims. These will make your living happy. Life will be beautiful.

Be aware of dangers

It is not expected that life will go smoothly all time. Think before which and which danger may disturb you. Don’t pack up your work thinking of problem. Just be cautious about your coming hazards although most of dangers come silently. So, be prepared mentally for a danger so that you can cope with that confidently.

Let others criticize you

We can make a blunder anytime. Often we can not find out own faults. Discuss with others about your works. Let them talk about. Their constructive criticism will drive you to solve a complicated problem. See yourself with the eyes of others. Try to know their opinion about yourself. You will see your life how enjoyable is.
Take a risk

Sometimes in life you should take a risk. In business profit may come or not. But you should take the risk of business. Those who are mentally weak fear to take a risk. So, to drive away fear from mind you should take small risks. To face awkward situation in life it needs to be courageous at first then it needs your tactics to overcome the bad situation.

Share your success

When you become a success in a work share it with others. Let them know. Phone a friend or send sms. Invite them to have a cup of tea. They will know you more closely. You will have your confidence strong. Women are serious in this matter. They share with others about their success or good works. It keeps them confident.

Do not hide your sickness.

Some people think that if he goes to a doctor the doctor will take him very seriously when he has no serious problem. This thinking makes him weak mentally. On the other hand, some think that small diseases are nothing. This is also bad. Small illness may cause serious illness. So, don’t be idle to visit your doctor.
Write down your thoughts

It needs not to write down all your thoughts. Firstly write down negative ones you think very often. It may be thinking of death or ghosts.

Then write down your positive thoughts. Try to concentrate on positive ones and avoid negatives one by one. Once you will be only a person of positive thinking.

Try to avoid machines

To err is human. In the morning you may leave home without handset. Don’t be angry on yourself for this. Spoiling whole day for this makes no sense. Your own TV or computer may crack. Don’t be disappointed. This is very normal. Actually people of this modern age can’t live without machines. One feels helpless without machines. Lessen this dependency. Mix more with others. Share your happiness and grievances with them. Human is human not machine.